Around the time I entered my thirties, I started working out more consistently. Despite years of wanting to establish a more consistent exercise routine, it never really stuck–until my entire motivation for working out changed. Now with each passing year, my reason for daily movement is less about how it makes me look, and more about how it makes me feel. And it turns out that increased energy and better mood is a lot more motivating than a certain jean size ever was.
It’s exactly this energy-creating, endorphin-producing high on life vibe that Megan Roup was after when she created her now-famous sculpt and dance-based fitness platform, The Sculpt Society. I first heard about TSS when a few of my friends became obsessed with the classes’ mix of cardio and sculpting during lockdown–“It’s so fun!” was the overarching takeaway. The app really took off during the pandemic, when we all searched for a way to mix up our movement and keep feeling good from the four walls of home. As she says:
“My vision is to empower women through movement. I wanted to create a class that’s fun, effective, and simplifies dance cardio so that everyone can come in and feel successful and strong, even without any dance experience.”

For Megan, it’s been a big couple of years personally, too: she moved cross-country from New York to Los Angeles, gotten pregnant, had a baby (Harlow, age ), and officially started working with her husband, now COO of The Sculpt Society. And although Megan’s naturally high energy, she’s also honest about the challenges that come with navigating so many changes at once–a feeling I think we can all relate to. I loved interviewing this powerhouse about the daily rituals that keep her feeling grounded in the midst of transition, so read on for Megan Roup’s morning routine and how she stays inspired.

On navigating change
What’s been your biggest learning over the past year?
There’s been so much change, so I’m learning to build a strong support team that will enable me to focus on what I’m best at. I work really hard and tend to take on a lot, and it’s been important for me to realize that I need to rely on more support from others.

What’s something you do that helps you stay present in the midst of change?
I really look at my schedule and make sure that I’m baking in downtime. It allows me to slow down, go outside, and be more mindful. The days can be so packed and it’s easy to look up from my computer and realize the day has gone by in a blur. It’s really about time blocking and fine tuning my schedule to make the most of it.

Let’s get into Megan Roup’s morning routine…
What does a typical day look like for you?
Every day is so different, but I always try to wake up around 6:30am with (her baby) Harlow. Depending on the day, I may be shooting a live on the Sculpt Society app, and then I’m usually jumping on a zoom call with my team to go over projects for the week. I’m also allocating time to create content for my social community through Tiktok and Instagram. I might be training a private client, working on partnership content. And I’m always working behind the scenes to create content for the week on the Sculpt Society, putting together playlists, and always listening to our community.

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
Go have my coffee and lemon water, 5 minute journal, moment of gratitude, and (if I have time) a short meditation. Then, it’s time to get Harlow up.
My next step is movement – that’s huge for me in the morning, whether I’m teaching or doing a video for myself. Moving my body sets my day up for success.

Describe your morning beauty routine from start to finish:
It’s a lot shorter now as a mom. But in an ideal world… I’ll do 5 minutes of dry brushing. Then I’ll put on a serum, moisturizer, face oil, SPF, and primer. My hair usually goes up in a ponytail for a workout.

In a few words, how would you describe your personal style?
Classic, simple, and feminine.

What do you eat for breakfast?
I’m a believer in intuitive eating – I wake up and ask myself if I’m hungry or not. If I am, I’ll have an apple with almond butter, Ezekiel toast with avocado and scrambled eggs, or a fruit smoothie.
Megan Roup’s Protein Smoothie Recipe
- Nut milk
- Handful of spinach
- Frozen blueberries
- Frozen banana
- Nut butter
- Protein powder
- Handful of ice
Blend it all up and drink!

What will we always find in your refrigerator?
Eggs, coffee, almond milk, avocado, ezekial bread. Lately I’ve been really into Cottage Cheese and blueberries.
What are your favorite books?
One of the most impactful books on my life is Women, Food, and God. It set me on a path to healing the relationships with myself and was my first taste of intuitive eating.

What’s always on your nightstand?
CBD, rose quartz crystal, my journal, and the book I’m reading.
What’s your favorite getting-ready soundtrack?
I love listening to the How I Built This podcast…or 90’s hip hop
If you could pin your success down to one thing, what would that be?
I have a lot of tenacity. I’ve been told “no” so many times in my professional fitness career, and I’ve continued to believe in myself, never giving up, being my own cheerleader, knowing my vision and my why.
It hasn’t been an easy path to get to where I am. If people only knew how many times I’ve been told no, they would realize that it hasn’t been an overnight success.

Fill in the blank:
I never leave the house without: putting on my SPF and grabbing my Summer Fridays lip balm.
If there were more hours in the day, I would: go for more walks outside.
Healthiest morning habit: moving my body with The Sculpt Society.
Worst morning habit: screen time, usually the first ting i do in the morning which is such a bad thing
One thing I want to be known for is: continuing the mission to help women feel confident and strong in their own bodies
The one thing I fear the most: finding a balance between family and work life–still wanting to achieve things but making sure i’m present for Harlow.
The book I always recommend: Women Food and God
One trait you need to succeed in life is: Tenacity
Bath or shower? I love a super hot shower with Milk & Honey scrub and Naturium body wash